Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blog #12

Enabling beyond-surface interactions for interactive surface with an invisible projection

Li-Wei ChanNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc
Hsiang-Tao WuNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc
Hui-Shan KaoNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc
Ju-Chun KoNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc
Home-Ru LinNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc
Mike Y. ChenNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc
Jane HsuNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc
Yi-Ping HungNational Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Roc

UIST '10 Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology

By using infrared cameras, an infrared projector and color projector to facilitate multi-touch along with invisible markers on a table, three mechanisms for further interactions are proposed and explained. 

There was no specific hypothesis, but they did mention that the system allowed for more intuitive navigation and more enjoyable use.

Under the table, there are 2 cameras and 2 projectors. A color projector projects the screen, an IR projector projects infrared markers, and 2 IR cameras on different corners of the table pick up multi-touch interaction. When an interaction is detected from subtracting what is seen by an above camera vs what is expected from the invisible markers, the markers within the zone of interaction are removed to prevent the markers from modifying the input itself. The markers themselves allow for the mobile above camera to calculate it's own 3d position and orientation.

With this system in place, a projector attached to the upper camera can give more information about a subset of the graphics on the table. This in essence allows for greater resolution and interaction.

When the markers are analyzed by a tablet instead, a virtual representation of the table can be shown.

The whole system is powered by a normal consumer desktop.

The original revisions of the software suffered from vibration of the displays which was fixed by Kalman filtering.

At first I didn't understand the reason to use markers on such a display, but now I see what they were doing, the uses for such interactions are nearly limitless. With a multi-touch display and a multi-touch tablet for further 3d manipulation, I see this could have great use in CAD niches. The one thing that bothered me for the upper cameras was the low resolution of 320x240 pixels. I myself have done this hack to make a normal webcam into an infrared one, but the limits of the CCD were depressing. 

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