Jochen Rick - The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
He has published 19 documents and been cited 65 times
UIST '10 Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
He has published 19 documents and been cited 65 times
UIST '10 Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
Text entry on touch interfaces can be difficult due to the physical position of a body. A model is created for stroke based text input. Stroke based input is done in either of two ways: matching the entire shape to a collection of precomputed words, or to calculate direct angles of strokes to estimate endpoints.
Jochen Rick hypothesizes that his stroke based text entry is faster than normal tapping operations on a standard keyboard layout for a touch interface.
Tapping input follows Fitt's law, which describes the amount of time to perform a task dependent on the size of the goal and the distance from it. The problem of determining points was solved using a model to generate straight lines and angles from natural curved input. Since the hardware used for testing only had a refresh rate of 20Hz, the testing for a line passing through a goal was determined by interpolation of consecutive points. Eight adults were chosen to spend about an hour repeating strokes to generate data regarding time and accuracy. They were told to stroke through 4 points of varying angles as well as make tapping gestures and single stroke tests.

Stroke based entry was superior to tapping speed for every keyboard layout selected. The fastest speed was 52.7 wpm generated from an OPTI II layout.
Text entry on touch interfaces can be difficult due to the physical position of a body. A model is created for stroke based text input. Stroke based input is done in either of two ways: matching the entire shape to a collection of precomputed words, or to calculate direct angles of strokes to estimate endpoints.
Jochen Rick hypothesizes that his stroke based text entry is faster than normal tapping operations on a standard keyboard layout for a touch interface.
Tapping input follows Fitt's law, which describes the amount of time to perform a task dependent on the size of the goal and the distance from it. The problem of determining points was solved using a model to generate straight lines and angles from natural curved input. Since the hardware used for testing only had a refresh rate of 20Hz, the testing for a line passing through a goal was determined by interpolation of consecutive points. Eight adults were chosen to spend about an hour repeating strokes to generate data regarding time and accuracy. They were told to stroke through 4 points of varying angles as well as make tapping gestures and single stroke tests.
Stroke based entry was superior to tapping speed for every keyboard layout selected. The fastest speed was 52.7 wpm generated from an OPTI II layout.
I've had a friend preach to me the benefits of Swype (a similar program for Android and jail-broken iPhones). I have no doubt that it could well be faster in raw typing speed, but in my mind the main issue comes in on making errors. For making a wrong tap in a touch interface, you just fix that letter (with better word guessing algorithms in Android 2.3, this is now unnecessary most of the time). However for fixing a swipe based error, the entire word will likely have to be replaced. Since USB host mode coming to Android 3.0, typing quickly could be simply be done by plugging in a real keyboard instead. Also, I should note that all the stroking speeds are slower than my speed for casual typing on a physical QWERTY keyboard.
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